I have played a lot of different systems over the years, and run quite a few campaigns. Some of my favorite systems are GURPs, ShadowRun and Cyberpunk 2020 - but it's more about the GM and players in my experience.
In This Section:
- GURPS Supers Campaign - Notes from the beginning of a GURPS Supers Campaign
- GURPS ShadowRun - the Grimoire Recovery - A basic scenario suitable for starting PCs in a GURPS ShadowRun campaign
- Alien Invasion Campaign - Addendum - I tracked down a variety of additional resources from my "V" style alien invasion game (GURPs)
- Fantasy Campaign - The Bolt Hole - These notes are for a planned session, where the PCs find an elven "bolt hole" - are the occupants still around?
- RPGs in military settings - Running an RPG campaign where the PCs take part in military action can be tricky, here's some ideas.
- Fantasy Campaign - Plot - For my fantasy campaign, I had many little plot ideas and encounters - here's a few of them.
- Fantasy Campaign - Overview - The background of this campaign is one of a fallen elven empire, with dwarves and humans setting up shop in the ruins alongside many other races. Lots of material here from a campaign that never got off the ground for various reasons.
- AD&D 4th Edition - my (Lame) review - I've played quite a bit of 4th edition, here's my thoughts
- GURPS Sample Encounter - Getting myself aquainted with GURPs 4th ed. via a small encounter
- Alien Invasion Campaign - Notes from an alien invasion campaign
- GURPs Character - William Perry - One of my old GURPs characters - a slightly nutty technical expert, meant for a modern day style campaign
- Genre Twists in RPGs - Give your players a shock and throw a "genre twist" into your campaign!
- GURPS ShadowRun - A collection of materials for an RPG running under GURPs, but using material from both Shadowrun and Cyberpunk 2020