This is my resurrected site dedicated miniatures, wargaming, RPGs, terrain building, etc. Much of the content that has been recovered is from 10+ years ago - so apologies for the lower resolution images than would be standard today! But I'm also adding new content all the time, so check back often.
7/24/20 - Added my notes from a small GURPS Supers Campaign that I ran a long time ago - it has the villain NPCs for a first encounter.
7/16/20 - Updated my GURPS ShadowRun page with in-page navigation. Also added a cool rover drone that I'd made for the campaign down in the vehicles section
7/8/20 - Dug up and added more notes for a GURPS ShadowRun grimoire recovery scenario.
7/1/20 - New pics added to all three galleries (one each) - check them out at the bottom of each page.
6/29/20 - Added stats for the ogres (Hunë) and a whole new monster (the diggers) to my fantasy campaign notes
6/23/20 - In which I marvel how camera tech has improved with a picture of some crappy plastic dwarves!
6/18/20 - Added a couple new pictures to the terrain gallery - scratch built rock "scatter terrain".
6/11/20 - Added some new pictures to my Fantasy/Medieval gallery - scroll to the bottom to see them.
6/9/20 - Added a new addendum to my GURPs alien invasion campaign notes, with vehicles and more.
Recently Added:
- GURPS Supers Campaign - Notes from the beginning of a GURPS Supers Campaign
- GURPS ShadowRun - the Grimoire Recovery - A basic scenario suitable for starting PCs in a GURPS ShadowRun campaign
- Computer Games - A listing of some classics that I just keep going back to...
- How the times have changed! - Cell phone cameras have come a long, long way!
- Alien Invasion Campaign - Addendum - I tracked down a variety of additional resources from my "V" style alien invasion game (GURPs)
- Fantasy Campaign - The Bolt Hole - These notes are for a planned session, where the PCs find an elven "bolt hole" - are the occupants still around?