Brief Intro
I'm a big fan of the GURPS RPG system. But I've always liked the game worlds of Shadowrun and Cyberpunk 2020. So in college I ran several different games that were combinations of these three systems - using the GURPS system for mechanics and the other systems for their backstory, equipment etc.
These notes come from one of those sessions. I may be able to dig up more later and add to these. Most of what was used in these games never were put into a computer. But I still have them around somewhere...
- Background
- Shadowrunning
- Characters
- About Cyberware and Bioware
- Equipment
- Magic
- Surgery
- Bioware
- Cyberware
- Mission Ideas
- Vehicles
Game Background
This game is a combination of three different game worlds: Cyberpunk 2020, ShadowRun, and GURPS CyberPunk. It will be run using the GURPS system, with some modifications to the rules, but probably nothing major. My goal is to create a "realistic" game, and to give the players as much freedom within that game world as possible.
The game world itself is basically a dark-future fantasy -- think Blade Runner with trolls. As such your characters will be able to use magic and technology.
The year is 2005. About 20 years ago, the world was shaken by a number of disasters -- a new disease called the "red death" spread around the globe killing millions of people. An enormous economic depression not seen since the 1930's brought anarchy and chaos to most areas of the globe. A limited and confused world war was fought between the superpowers, and ended when it became apparent that the problems within their own borders made continuing the war impossible.
During the same period, the human race inexplicably began to split into several races: elves, dwarves, trolls, and orcs arose. Many people did not survive this transformation, so most of the world population is still human. Those who did survive their transformation often withdrew into groups of those like themselves. Racial bigotry became common on all sides, adding to the chaos that was gripping the world. Magic began to rise, shrouded in mystery. While magic is known to exist now, few people other than those who practice it really understand it.
Corporations began to eclipse governments as the true movers and shakers of the global arena. In general, few national governments even try to stand up to the global corporations. Technology is slightly advanced from today.
(this is a variant of the official shadowrun game world, perhaps at an earlier stage before the nations have broken apart, etc. Of course all that may occur during the campaign!)
Shadow Running
The line between those who "have" and those who "have not" has become very rigid. If you work for a corporation, you at least have plenty to eat, good shelter, etc. But you have very little personal freedom -- the corporation owns you. Those who don't work for corporations are often the marginalized who form gangs and live in the devastated ghettos of the cities. Shadowrunners are usually those who attempt to live off the corporations, without being owned by them. They try to play the corporations against each other, acting as mercenaries to perform jobs that the corporations do not wish to do themselves.
Shadowunning is how your characters will make money. You are basically hired to do jobs. Each of you will have the same "fixer" who will set up jobs for you, and will take a cut of your money. The fixer has the contacts that get you the jobs. When the fixer offers you a job, you don't have to take it! If it seems like it's too risky, turn him down. He can find more. Remember that there is no set agenda for this game -- there's no "campaign". -- you do as you see fit and the story will tell itself. The fixer generally has several different possible jobs for your group to take, and if you have something else that you want to do, tell me and we'll do it.
Kinds of Characters
A good shadow run team requires characters with many different kinds of talents. "Gun bunnies" - ranged combat oriented characters are always useful. Characters skilled in martial arts are also valuable because they can often operate effectively in places where it is difficult to get a gun into.
Remember that approaching every problem with "guns blazing" will probably get you killed. The corporation/government has more and bigger guns than you! Not everyone needs a combat character, but it is a good idea for everyone to have some combat skills, because it's a dangerous world... It's also a good idea for most people to have some level of the streetwise skill, unless you want your character to be a total innoncent in the ways of the world... Most people have come to rely in some part of the black market, either to get things that are forbidden by their corporation/government, or just to make some extra money and make ends meet.
Because many shadowruns are based around gaining access to some protected area, people skilled in lockpicking, security systems, stealth, climbing, etc. are often useful. Characters who are skilled in "social engineering" are also useful. Finally, characters with knowledge based skills are very important -- such as medecine (to treat wounded group members) or engineering/mechanics (to customize weapons/vehicles/other machinery). Shamans are invaluable becuase of their magical healing skills, while mages are useful in many, many ways...
Creating Characters
You can create any kind of character you wish. You will start out as a 100pt character, with $15,000 to spend as you see fit. You may not take the wealth advantage -- if you were wealthy, you wouldn't be shadowrunning! Remember this is a modern world -- don't forget to buy things such as cars, computers, etc that you will need! Use common sense -- if your character is someone who tries to infiltrate corporate headquarters, you better buy a good business suit, briefcase, cell phone, etc. For most items, prices are the same as they are now in the real world. So if you want to buy a used car -- grab the newspaper and find one! Remember to buy at least one month of "lifestyle", which covers your expenses such as food, rent, etc.
Your characters will be based in a major city in what is left of the US. I don't care which city, they've all become pretty bad regardless. Cities are generally divided into 4 zones:
the corporate zone, which is owned and run by a corporation, and which contains its employees, facilities, etc. You can't live here unless you work for the corporation.
the "normal" zone, where laws are enforced and the wealthier live. Cost of living here is high -- you must pay one of the higher levels from the basic book.
the "border" zone, where laws are occasionally encforced, and life is a bit more chaotic. Most people/businesses are here. Cost of living here is the same as in the basic book.
the "combat" zone, (or ghetto) where anything goes... This area appears to be a wasteland, filled with abandoned buildings, etc. You can live here basically for free -- you do not need to purchase a building or whatever, just move in! But it's a good idea to pay protection money to the local gang or you may come home to an empty house or worse...
It may be a good idea for the characters to create a "compound" and live together for added security and lower costs. Assuming you all trust each other...
I will give each of you a special item or piece of cyberware at the beginning of the game, according to the type of character that you create. You will begin as a band of friends who have decided to try to being the exciting (and usually short-lived) carreer as a shadowrunning group.
You will also get one reroll each gaming session -- you can use it to reroll any roll that you or I have made, but you have to take the second roll! You can't apply the reroll to someone else's roll (besides me and you).
Available Races
Elf - Elves are generally around 5 feet tall, very slim and pale. They are on average more intelligent and dexterous, but not as hardy as humans. They are naturally magical, but are limited to practicing shaman magic. Elves are most comfortable outdoors, in natural surroundings.
DX +1, IQ +1, appearance +1, magery 1, extended lifespan 1, mild claustrophobia, sense of duty (protect nature) - 25 pts.
Dwarf - Dwarves stand about 4 feet tall, and are very stocky. Despite their height, a dwarf often weighs as much as a human. Dwarves are very tough, and are skilled in manual crafts (including mechanics). Dwarves are most comfortable in enclosed spaces. Dwarves cannot use magic.
HT +1, +3 to the manual craft skill of their choice, toughness (+2 DR), Infravision, greedy - 25 pts
Orc - Orcs stand around 6 feet tall, and are much heavier than a human of the same size. They are generally stronger and tougher than humans, but are not as intelligent. Orcs may be shamans. Orcs have a number of traits that can be considered antisocial...
HT +2, ST +3, IQ -2, toughness +2 DR, +2 hit points, bloodlust, impulsiveness, bad temper, unattractive, reputation -1 - 11 pts
Troll - Trolls stand 7 to 8 feet tall, and often weigh in excess of 300 lbs. They are very strong and tough, and of average intelligence. Trolls may not use magic.
HT +3, ST +4, toughness +3 DR, +3 hit points, laziness, sleepy (must sleep 12 hours per day), stubborn, intolerance - elves, size, unattractive - 59 pts.
Cyberware and Bioware
Cyberware and bioware can be purchased by your character to augment his/her capabilities. Cyberware is literally "bleeding edge" technology, and is incredibly rare and expensive. No one outside of the most powerful corporations know exactly what sorts cyberware or bioware is available.
Cyberware interferes with magic (see below), so don't buy any cyberware if you want to make a mage! Mages are not affected by bioware though, because it is more "natural". Beginning characters will not be able to purchase any cyberware or bioware, but it will become available later in the game.
Weapons and Armor
In general, weapons technology hasn't changed much from the present day. The most common weapons are firearms, and there are a wide variety. It is still technically illegal to purchase/carry weapons in most places, but governments are so weak now that these laws are rarely enforced. Corporate areas are the only place wear you are likely to get in trouble for carrying a weapon. Of course even in the most lawless area, walking down the street, brandishing your shiny new machine gun will tend to attract attention and cause trouble.
In general only modern-day weaponry is available, although some prototype futuristic weaponry may become available. In areas where laws are still enforced, the process to buy a gun is the same as today. So of course most weapons are purchased on the black market. The streetwise skill in extremely helpful when you are looking for weapons/armor! It will help you find rarer stuff, and will reduce the cost somewhat. You can also go through your fixer, who has contacts that you don't have, but will charge a percentage fee for his services.
Armor has advanced somewhat -- in addition to modern armor (kevlar vests, etc), monocrys armor is available, but is very expensive and difficult to find. If you wish to purchase monocrys, let me know, and we'll see if we can find any.
In general, magic is known to exist, but is not well understood. There are basically two kinds of magic -- that practiced by shamans, and that practiced by mages. Mages are feared and mistrusted by most, and have a reputation as snobs and bookworms. Shamans are the opposite -- their power comes from traditional magic such as voodoo. They are feared for "savage" magic.
Both kinds of magic are opposed to technology. Magic does not work well on machines. Mages who have cyberwear implanted in their bodies lose much of their power. Non-magical people who have cyberwear are more resistant to magic, both beneficial and negative. (Basically, you will receive levels of magic resistance in proportion to how much cyberware you have.)
Magic in GURPS is skill-based. Each spell is a seperate skill. The higher your skill in that spell, the faster and more efficiently you can cast it. You do not have to memorize spells, or choose what spells you have active ahead of time. Casting spells generally costs 'fatigue' and if you cast too many too fast you will pass out or worse...
Magic items are very rare because magic is new to the world and people are still learning how to cast spells, much less enchant items (which can take a very long time). Powerstones and most other magic items are restricted under laws similar to the weapons laws, so the streetwise skill will help you find these items on the black market.
Shaman Magic
Shamans harness the forces of nature to work their magics. All shamans receive a +1 bonus to their spellcasting rolls when in "natural" surroundings. Shamans receive a -1 penalty when in "artifical" surroundings (i.e. cities, ruins, etc).
All shamanic teachings are passed down through master-apprentice style teachings. If a shamans wishes to learn a new spell, he/she must learn it from a master. Occasionally shamans may be blessed with knowledge through meditation etc. Shaman spells can only be taught by face-to-face, oral teaching -- there is no way for a shaman to "record" a spell onto any medium.
Because their magic is somewhat more limited that mages, shamans purchase the magery advantage at half-cost.
Shamans may not enchant items, although they may use some kinds of enchanted items. (GM's choice). They may also practice alchemy.
Shamans have access to the following colleges of magic:
- Animal
- Body Control
- Communication & empathy
- All elemental spells
- Food (M48)
- Healing (M49)
- Knowledge (M53)
- Light and Darkness (M57)
- Movement (M69)
- Plant (M75)
- Sound (M78)
Mages use study and knowledge of the rules and theorems of magic to harness these powers. Mages may enchant items, and may use most enchanted items, including powerstones. Mages but the magery advantage at full cost.
Magery is much more "scientific" than shamanic magic. Mages often have "libraries" (grimoires) of spells and other magic information which they study, add to, trade, etc. Spells may be recorded onto specially prepared magic parchment, and use a number of pages based on the nature and complexity of the spell (base cost x (1 + number of prerequisites)). If it is area spell, the "base cost" is for a size 4 casting. The base cost is as listed in the book, and is not affected bythe character's skill. If a spell has more than one base cost for different effects, use the highest cost.
The pages are made of heavy vellum or other material, written on one side. They weigh 2 oz per page, and are at least the size of a large textbook. Thus a grimoire of 100 pages is weighs about 18 pounds (including binding). Grimoires often have very ornate bindings, including locks, etc.
These special pages can be bought or made, and often cost more than $100 per page (depends on spell -- around 100 + 10 x number of prerequisites for the spell). Pages can be prepared by the mage for 20% the cost, but take 1 day per prerequisite to prepare, and a successful base magery roll (IQ + magery). An improperly prepared page can corrupt an entire spell, or perhaps even an entire spellbook. Once a page is prepared the mage records the spell onto it, taking 1 hour per prerequisite and a successful magery roll.
Mages can also use computers to store and recall their spells, in which case a spell uses disk space around 1 gigabyte per spell page. The software used to record and study spells is very complex and powerful, and required very high-end computers. Mages attempting to record or augment a spell using their computer will recieve a bonus/penalty based on the quality of their computer hardware and their computer skills. Time to transcribe the spell to the computer is the same as that for a page, but technical nature of computers (in conflict with magic) means that the magery roll is made at a -5 cost, offset by the quality of the software/hardware.
- Magic Computer Stuff:
Software: ranked by bonus to the mager roll, requires hardware of the same complexity rating or lower:
-1: $100
+0: $500
+1: $2,000
+2: $8,000
+3: $25,000
+4: $100,000
+5: (good luck!)
other stuff -- see the computers section!
Spells recorded on pages or in the computer are not scrolls, they include all the information required to learn that spell up to one point of knowledge.
Obviously maintaining and building his grimoire is one of the mage's primary activities. It is expensive, so most mages need to either enchant items or get income in other ways. A mage's grimoire is his/her most prized possession, so keep in mind its security -- let me know what you are doing to keep your grimoire safe. Unless you have a very limited number of spells, it's unlikely that you can carry it with you, so it must be kept elsewhere.
When you create your character, choose your spells and tell me how many you have and which ones, and I'll tell you how much of your starting wealth you had to spend to build up your grimoire.
Mages have access to all spells except the following colleges:
- Animal
- Body Control
- Healing (M49) - except lend strenght and recover strength
- Plant
Availability is modifier to streetwise skill to find the item. Having an appropriate contact can positively modify this, same with area knowledge (to a lesser degree). Items marked 'na' for availability are freely available legally, etc.
Note - the "base cost" is subject to change based upon demand, legality, etc.
PD |
DR |
WT |
Heavy leather jacket |
2 |
2 |
6 |
$100 |
Heavy leather pants |
2 |
2 |
8 |
$150 |
Kevlar T-shirt (can be worn under other armor) |
2 |
8 |
1 |
$100 |
Kevlar Jacket, light |
2 |
10 |
3 |
$150 |
Kevlar Jacket, medium |
2 |
12 |
5 |
$250 |
Kevlar Jacket, Heavy |
2 |
16 |
8 |
$350 |
Long Coat - leather |
2 |
2 |
8 |
$200 |
Long Coat - Kevlar lining |
2 |
8 |
12 |
$500 |
Long Coat - Kevlar w/reinforcing plates |
2 |
10 |
12 |
$800 |
(plates cover chest and back, weigh 5 lbs each and cost $200 each) |
Kevlar Vest, light |
2 |
10 |
1 |
$75 |
Kevlar Vest, medium |
2 |
12 |
1.5 |
$200 |
Kevlar Vest, Heavy |
2 |
16 |
2.5 |
$300 |
Kevlar Vest, Ultra-Heavy |
2 |
22 |
5 |
$800 |
Hard Armor, Vest/Groin |
4 |
25 |
15 |
$1000 |
Hard Armor, Legs |
4 |
22 |
10 |
$800 |
Hard Armor, Arms |
4 |
20 |
8 |
$600 |
Hard Armor, Hands |
4 |
16 |
4 |
$800 |
Hard Armor, Boots |
4 |
18 |
6 |
$400 |
Visor |
2 |
4 |
0.5 |
$400 |
(May be added to helmet) |
Armor Modifiers
I originally planned to have a long list of modifications for armor, i.e. camouflage, stealthing options (to reduce IR signature, etc.) This is all the further I got - fashion. Really should only apply to lighter armor, gives a modifer to reaction rolls as follows:
(normal) |
+0% to base cost |
+1 to modifier roll |
+25% to base cost |
+2 |
+100% |
+3 |
+200% |
Surgery Costs
Bioware and cyberare generally require surgery to implant into a character. The table below gives the basic cost/effect of the various types of surgery. The character must then recover from the damage inflicted (in the "damage" column). The damaage column also gives the amount of time that it takes for the surgery. This will likely take some time - any costs for medical care during recovery are not included in the costs given below.
TYPE (code) |
na |
Negligible (N) |
$50 |
dmg 1, 1 hr |
na |
Minor (Mi) |
$500 |
1d6 dmg, 2 hrs |
-3 |
Major (M) |
$5000 |
1d6+3 dmg, 4 hrs |
-6 |
Critical (C) |
$10,000+ |
2d6+2 dmg, 6+ hrs |
These are genetically engineered or otherwise organically created enhancements that may br purchased and surgically implanted.
-4 |
Nasal Filter |
$500 (Mi) |
Resist gasses at +3 |
-5 |
Grafted Muscle, level 1 |
$4,000 (M) |
ST +1 (does not add to fatigue) |
-6 |
Grafted Muscle, level 2 |
$8,000 (M) |
ST +3 (does not add to fatigue) |
-7 |
Skin Weave |
$12,000 (M) |
2/10 on body |
-4 |
Enhanced Antibodies |
$3,000 (Mi) |
Rapid healing advantage |
-4 |
Toxin Binders |
$2,500 (Mi) |
HT+4 to resist poison |
-6 |
Platelet Factory |
$10,000 (M) |
HT checks made with +3 modifier |
-6 |
Symbiotes - 1 roll |
$10,000 (Mi) |
Extra roll per day when healing from injures, in addition to physician rolls |
-6 |
Symbiotes - 2 rolls |
$25,000 (Mi) |
2 extra rolls per day, eats 50% more than normal person (higher cost of living) |
-4 |
Symbiote recharge |
$10,000 (N) |
Required once per year |
-2 |
Tailored Pheromones +1 |
$6,000 (Mi) |
Reaction rolls +1 |
-3 |
Tailored Pheromones +2 |
$10,000 (Mi) |
Reaction rolls +2 |
-7 |
Reflex Recorder +1 |
$15,000 (M) |
DX based skill +1 |
-9 |
Reflex Recorder +2 |
$25,000 (M) |
DX based skill +2 |
-7 |
Synaptic Accelerator +1 |
$15,000 (M) |
Move/init/dodge + 1 |
-8 |
Synaptic Accelerator +2 |
$30,000 (M) |
Move/init/dodge + 2 |
-7 |
Trauma damper |
$15,000 (M) |
Concentration +4, +2 fatigue |
-6 |
Enhanced Articulation |
$10,000 (M) |
DX +1 |
-3 |
Basic Processor |
$1000 (M) |
Req. to use neuralware |
-3 |
Interface Jack |
$500 (Mi) |
Req. to use interface chips, etc. |
-4 |
Basic Cyber Eye |
$2,000 (M) |
Options can be added to it, etc. |
-4 |
Basic Ear |
$1,000 (M) |
6 options |
-4 |
Basic Hand |
$2,000 |
Without upgrades, simple replaces old hand, no enhanced capabilities |
-4 |
Basic Arm |
$3,000 (M) |
4 options, (ST 14, 2/2, HT5) |
-4 |
Basic Leg |
$2,500 (M) |
3 options (ST 14, 2/2, HT5) |
-4 |
Gill Implant |
$500 (Mi) |
Breath water for 4 hours, then must change filter ($100 each) |
-4 |
Independent Air Supply |
$800 (Mi) |
10 minutes of air, 25 without exertion |
-3 |
Subdermal Pocket |
$300 (Mi) |
2x4, can hold 1lb, -5 to notice on pat-down |
-5 |
Adrenal Booster |
$1,200 (M) |
DX+1,HT+1,ST+1,IQ-1 for 1d6x10 rounds, 3 times per day. |
-7 |
Subdermal Armor |
$30,000 (C) |
DR +10, hard to notice (-10 IQ visual, -5 by touch) |
-4 |
Motion Detector |
$2,500 (N) |
(Eye enhancement) 70% chance to notice motion, within 10 yards |
-4 |
Sonar |
$2,000 (N) |
(Eye enhancement) 50 yard range in water, 70% effective |
-4 |
Radiation Detector |
$500 (N) |
(Eye enhancement) 10 yard range, 80% effective |
-4 |
Chemical Analyzer |
$1,000 (N) |
By smell -- gives readout through jack or in eye |
-4 |
Voice Synthesizer |
$1,200 |
Mimic sounds or voices, store 10 internally or on chip |
-6 |
Dermal Plating I |
$7,000 (C) |
DR + 4, IQ + 1 to notice |
-7 |
Dermal Plating II |
$20,000 (C) |
DR + 8, IQ +3 to notice,DX - 1 |
-8 |
Dermal Plating III |
$50,000 (C) |
DR + 12, IQ + 6 to notice, DX - 3 |
-6 |
Wired Reflexes I |
$10,000 (M) |
Move, dodge, init + 1 |
-7 |
Wired Reflexes II |
$30,000 (M) |
Move, dodge, init + 2 |
-8 |
Wired Reflexes III |
$50,000 |
Move, dodge, init +3 |
-12 |
cortex bomb |
- (M) |
kills user and does 6d concussion damage to bystanders |
-5 |
Bone Lacing I |
$10,000 (C) |
Hit points +1, unarmed damage +1 |
-6 |
Bone Lacing II |
$20,000 (C) |
Hit points +2, unarmed damage +2 |
-7 |
Bone Lacing III |
$30,000 (C) |
Hit points +4, unarmed damage +3, sets off metal detectors! |
-10 |
Tactical Computer I |
$500,000 (M) |
Tracks IQ/3 targets, adding +4 to hit them (any weapon skill), +3 to dodge their attacks |
NEURALWARE - requires basic processor, jack |
-7 |
Speedware Boosterware |
$8,000 |
Takes 1 round to activate, then -3 to init for 5 rounds, deactivates for 2 rounds |
-4 |
Tactile Boost |
$700 |
Touch checks +2 |
-5 |
Pain Editor |
$1,000 |
Equiv. Of high pain threshold |
-4 |
Olfactory Boost |
$400 |
Allows tracking by smell (tracking +3, shadow + 3) and +5 to smell tests |
-5 |
Vehicle Link |
$1,000 |
Vehicle skills + 3, init bonus +1 when using vehicle |
-6 |
Vehicle Link II |
$5,000 |
Vehicle Skills + 5, init bonus +2 when using vehicle |
-7 |
Vehicle Link III |
$12,000 |
Vehicle Skills + 8, init bonus +3 when using vehicle |
-7 |
Smartgun Link |
$1,000 |
SS -2, +2 to skill |
-8 |
Smartgun II Link |
$5,000 |
SS-3, +4 to skill |
-3 |
Chip Slot |
$500 |
Holds a chip (duh) |
OPTICWARE (options for cybereyes, etc) |
-3 |
Video/Text display |
$500 |
Display text, pictures, video etc. |
-4 |
Microscope |
$400 |
Sim. To lab microscope |
-4 |
Anti-Dazzle |
$700 |
Prevents blinding from flashes, etc |
-5 |
Nightvision |
$1,000 |
Equivalent to 'night vision' advantage |
-5 |
Thermograph |
$1,000 |
See heat patterns |
-5 |
Infrared |
$1,500 |
See in near total darkness |
-4 |
Video Recorder |
$300 |
Records video - 20 mins built-in memory, or record to chip (takes up 2 options) |
-4 |
Camera |
$200 |
Takes pictures, 100 built in or record to chip (takes up 2 options) |
-7 |
Dartgun |
$600 |
First darts (SS8, ACC2, RNG 1, DMG 1d-2 imp), takes up 3 options |
-7 |
Color Shift |
$300 |
Change eye color, takes 10 secs |
-4 |
Image Enhancement |
$500 |
Visual checks +2 |
AUDIOWARE (may req. cyberears at GM discretion, Minor or Negligle operations) |
-3 |
Amplified Hearing |
$500 |
hearing checks +1 |
-3 |
Radio Link |
$500 |
1 mile range |
-3 |
Phone Splice |
$200 |
Connect through external phone (w/in 3 yds) |
-5 |
Scrambler -level 1 |
$500 |
Decryption +2 to break |
-7 |
Scrambler - level 2 |
$1,500 |
Decryption check to break |
-8 |
Scramber - level 3 |
$5,000 |
Decryption -5 to break |
-6 |
Bug Detector |
$700 |
Detects bugs w/in 3 yards, 60% effective |
-6 |
Voice Stress Analyzer |
$300 |
Detect lies + 2 |
-4 |
Sound Filtering |
200 |
Hearing checks +2 to hear specific sounds |
-4 |
Enhanced Range |
$300 |
Hear above and below the normal human spectrum |
-3 |
Wearman |
$100 |
Music, etc. |
-5 |
Radar Detector |
$400 |
Detects radar use, 40% chance to detect source |
-5 |
Homing Tracer |
$200 |
Follow a tracer up to 600 yds away. Tracers $25 each |
-7 |
Tight Beam Radio Link |
$500 |
LOS communication, not breakable (usually) |
-7 |
Wide Band Radio Scanner |
$100 |
Scan commonly used radio frequencies |
-3 |
Recorder |
$100 |
Record audio - 2 hours built-in or record to chip |
-4 |
Damper |
$300 |
Blocks loud noises |
-3 |
Biomonitor |
100 |
diagnosis +1, first aid +2 |
-2 |
Skinwatch |
100 |
built-in watch |
na |
light tattoos |
20 |
Glow |
-1 |
shift-tacts |
200 |
change eye color once |
-3 |
Quick Change Mount |
300 |
change limbs quickly - 3 secs to remove, 5 secs to install |
-5 |
Myomar Muscle, level 1 |
2000 |
ST+5, HT+3 |
-4 |
Reinforced Joints |
500 |
HT +2 |
-7 |
Artificial Shoulder Mount |
2000 |
mount a second set of arms at waist level |
-5 |
Electronic Shielding |
800 |
prevents electronic interference |
-4 |
Plastic Covering |
300 |
DR+1 |
-6 |
Real Skinn |
500 |
Limb looks natural (IQ-3 to notice), DR+1 |
-4 |
Super Chrome |
300 |
High gloss chrome, DR +1 |
-4 |
Armor |
1000 |
gives 2/15. Can't be covered |
-6 |
Ripper Hand |
2600 |
hand w/built-in claws |
-6 |
Hammer Hand |
600 |
ST+5 punch, not articulated |
-6 |
Buzz Hand |
700 |
2d6 cutting, not articulated |
-6 |
Independent Cyberhand option |
1000 |
hand can be controlled remotely up to 10 yards |
-6 |
Finger dartgun |
100 |
fires 1 dart, dmg 1, SS8, ACC0, RNG 3 |
-4 |
Finger Lockpick |
50 |
Minor operation |
-3 |
Finger Light Pen |
40 |
10 yards range |
-6 |
Finger Bomb |
150 |
grenade 4d(1d) |
-3 |
Finger scissors/wirecutters |
50 |
can do 1d-4 dmg cut |
-4 |
Finger Mace Sprayer |
150 |
SS8, ACC1, RNG5 |
-4 |
Skate Foot |
500 |
use DX to control, move of 15, retractable |
-4 |
Toolhand |
200 |
finger contains tools (equiv. To minor tools) |
-5 |
Grapplehand |
400 |
hand works as grapple, line is equiv. To rope, SS12, ACC1, RNG 30, dmg 1d crush |
-5 |
Extension Hand |
400 |
extends 1 yard, supports 200 lbs |
-4 |
Spike Hand |
500 |
spike extends through palm, 1d+1 imp |
-4 |
Talon Foot |
600 |
kicks do cutting damage |
-3 |
Tool Foot |
300 |
contains minor tools |
-3 |
Web Foot |
500 |
swim +3 |
-3 |
Grip Foot |
500 |
climb +3 |
-4 |
Spike Heel Foot |
500 |
side/rear kicks do imp damage |
-3 |
Storage Space |
50 |
any limb - 2x2x6 space |
-4 |
Hidden Holster |
100 |
any limb - takes 4 secs to draw, 3 options |
CYBERWEAPONS - can be added to cyberlimbs or to flesh, w/applicable surgery cost |
-4 |
Scratchers |
100 |
claws, sw-3 cut |
-4 |
Vampires |
300 |
thr-2 cr, bite |
-5 |
Rippers |
500 |
thr-2 imp, sw-2 cut |
-6 |
Wolvers |
800 |
punch imp, swing cut |
-5 |
Big Knucks |
500 |
punch dmg +2 cr |
-8 |
Monowhip |
800 |
sw-3 cut (halves DR) |
Mission Ideas
I tend to be pretty free-form with my adventure ideas when running games. So these adventure ideas are pretty brief, but may be useful.
These missions/adventures were intended as the initial "jobs" that the PCs' fixer would present them as options. Future missions would most likely be built off the results of results and contacts made in the initial mission.
1. Protect the fleeing suit
Osmund Harris has fled the Shomuzata corporation after corporate intelligence discovered that he was selling corporate secrets to a rival corporation (DB Smith Enterprised). He is desperate because he knows that Shomuzata has sent the assassin "Nightmare" after people who have betrayed the corporation.
The fixer will tell the PCs only that a corporate spy has expressed an interest in purchasing their services as bodyguards while he attempts to defect to a rival corporation. He will tell them the names of the 2 corporations that are involved, but not Harris' name. If the PCs have some way of knowing about Shomuzata, they have a low chance (roll under 7) of hearing of Nightmare.
Harris' is offering $50,000 for 2 weeks of service, while he attempts to negotiate safety with DB Smith Ent. If the PCs ask for more, he can go to $60,000, and will hint that he can set them up with some black market cyberware.
If the PCs accept they will be given the address of a run-down apartment building in the slums. When they go there they will encounter Harris who will tell them that he left because of he was attempting to expose some of his corporation's illegal testing on humans (not true) and that Shomuzata is sending out someone very proficient to silence him (he doesn't know anything about nightmare's capabilities, but he has heard stories about him at work.)
During the 2 weeks that the PCs are employed by Harris, he will regularly make the PCs deliver messages to various locations, as he tries to negotiate w/DB Smith.
At some point during the 2 weeks, one false alarm will occur when a gang of (PCs x2) thugs will come to investigate the activity on their turf.
Nightmare will also attack, probably by distracting the PCs with an attack by Shomuzata forces (elite thugs). He will then attempt to ambush the PCs on their escape route.
2. The Gang War
Two gangs in the slums have been fighting over a stretch of turf that includes several black-market businesses, drug labs, etc. The gangs are the "Bludz" and the Goths. Both are moderately powerful gangs, and the Bludz are getting the worse of it because the Goths leader "The Tiger" has proved to be a very adept and lucky leader.
The Bludz are offering the PCs $1000 per day each to act as a strike force against the Goths. The PCs will be allowed to loot whatever they want from the Goths. When the war is over, the PCs will be paid an additional $5000 each.
When the accept and visit the Bludz, their leader "Cheeko" will try to push them to make an immediate attack on the Goths leader. He will also suggest an attack against one of their drug labs deep in Goths territory, or an hit on one of his captains (Smitty) when he takes his girlfriend to a movie.
When the PCs first encounter the Goths, the goths will attempt to let the PCs know that they wish to negotiate. They will bring them under heavy guard (3x PCs) to The Tiger, who will offer them $1200 per day, plus $7000 at the end...
Both leaders have the stats of elite thugs. Gang members are level a and b thugs. The gang war will continue for 2d6 days, or until one or the other gang's leader is killed.
3. The Courier
Contacted to act as a courier -- getting a heavy steel briefcase (30 lbs) from someone named Chizel in a nightclub.He will give them the briefcase and a small 2-way radio which someone else (Whiskey) will use to direct them to him. A third party (DB Smith Enterprises) desires the briefcase and will attempt to waylay them, bribe them, etc to get it. At some point while Whiskey is talking to them he will be raided by Smith Ent. who will try to use him to lure the PCs into a trap. They may be able to tell.
Chizel will pay them $1000 each when they pick up the case. Whiskey will offer them an additional $5000 each upon delivery. If they rescue him from Smith, he will give them each an additional $3000, and will act as a contact for other jobs.
If they open the case, they will find it filled w/small bricks of lead, in foam-lined slots. Encased in each brick is a small encrypted chip. The case has a fake back that also contains three encrypted DVD discs (complexity 4 encryption, contains cyberware plans and research, worth 5,000,000 to the right corporation, if decrypted quickly enough). The fixer will pay the PCs $6,000 for the discs, even though he doesn't know what they are... If the PCs do not deliver the discs, Chizel will contact the next day and ask why. If they don't return the discs to him immediately, he will send 2 squads of elite thugs (16 men) against their fixer...
4. Grimoire recovery
Billy Thurgood (NPC) will pay them $3000 each for the recovery of his grimoire, which was stolen from his home in a raid by some sort of assault team two days ago. They took his computer system, with all his spells and research.
He has a trace spell on the computer, which the gang hasn't been able to detect/defeat (yet). But he needs backup to go in and get it.
The gang is holed up in a brownstone building in the combat zone (see map). There are 4 level a/b thugs, plus 3 level c and the combat mage.
The combat mage's grimoire consists of several spellbooks, with black and silver leather covers, in a wall safe, protected by a 2d6 deathtouch spell triggered when someone other than him opens the safe using the handle. Inside there is also $26,000, 2 1pt powerstones and a 5pt powerstone that won't recharge in the presence of oxygen (it's in a sealed jar of water).
I put together a more "enhanced" version of this mission, check it out here
The vehicles below are mostly from the shadowrun sourcebook "The Rigger's Black Book" - converted to GURPS using the 1st edition Vehicles rules.
XNU-01 Rover (TL8) - This is a large drone rover, suitable for use by a rigger or other such character. Built with GURPs vehicles rules. Weight: .12 tons, HT9, Armor Factor 20. Total cost $19,024.
6cf of sealed medium body (max load 240lbs).
Tracked motive system (HT5)
Improved suspenstion (+.25 MR, +1 SR)
Requires .12 KW motive power for 18mph
Track drivetrain, .3 gal fuel tank - H, self sealing - fire 10
.6 cf limited traverse mini turret, cheap
Armor: Front, Back, Left, Right: DR15. Top, Bottom: DR 5
Targeting sensors (short range, scan 16)
Midget computer 2, remote control system, tight beam microwave communications
In turret: TL8 4.6mm PDW (4d+1 pi-, ACC3, RNG 200/2000, 200 rounds ammo, Rof 15, Rcl 1)
3cf cargo space
Top speed 18, MR 0.5, SR 7, Size +0, IR signature 0, Attack 12.