Pickup truck (TL 7) Cost Weight Space Item 2100 630 0 140 cf of MD ST body 2100 630 14 powered wheel motive system, tire = DR 2, HT 16, wheel = DR2, HT 32 3100 157 0 improved, off-road suspension 3000 300 6 200 kwh drivetrain 6050 1020 6.6 200 kwh gas engine, DR 5, HT 20, 6g/hr mileage 150 210 4.5 30 g fuel tank, fire 11, DR 2, HT 15 300 150 100 seats - 2 roomy, 1 cramped 262.5 393 0 armor - 3/5 all sides, 30 pts ST 17062.5 3490 132.1 TOTAL 2110 lbs max payload 6 cf internal cargo space 2110 lbs max cargo load (truck bed) 0.5 MR 4 SR 3.75 power factor (assuming 200lb driver, etc) 112.5 mph top speed 5.625 mph/sec acceleration 10 mph/sec deceleration 175 armor factor 262 HT 5600 lbs load Stats for pintle-mounted M60 machinegun in truck bed: M60, .30 cal, dmg 7d, ss 19, acc 9, range 1000/4700, 23 lbs, rof 10*, rcl 13/-1 1000 rounds FMJ ammo, mount gives +1 to counter instability