Origins is an annual gaming convention in Columbus OH - this year's was the third time I'd attended, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in the hobby, or just wants to meet/see a lot of slightly (and some not-so-slightly) odd people. This time I was there even longer and was able to get far more pics than last year - enjoy!
Imperial Forces advance in the Warzone demo game that I lost... |
Imperial Trenchers take cover in the Warzone demo game |
Boxer Rebellion setup |
Medieval Castle terrain |
Dungeon board set up for the Reaper Warlord game |
Chronopia demo game a demon advances against my forces. |
Cool Starship Troopers Mech |
Another cool Starship Troopers mech |
Nice Warmachines "steamjack" - the Warmachine figs and paint jobs are really amazing. |
More Warmachine figs |
Another Warmachine mech |
Warmachine Dwarven Infantry |
Warmachine Steamjack |
Beautiful Miniatures from the St. Petersburg Collection - the best I've seen |
Cavalryman - look at the detail on the brocade, amazing! |
More St. Petersburg |
Another St. Petersburg |
Just part of a dealer table! |
My undead and crypt bats desperately try to close with those pesky elven archers, in the Warlord demo game |
Banshee, Crypt Bats from the Reaper Warlord demo game |
Crypt Bat from the Warlord demo game |
Minas Tirith, under siege in a GW LOTR game - very nice |
Beautiful Werewolf from Rackham - I love their stuff |
Skeleton also from Rackham |
More Rackham |
Undead beastie, from Rackham |
Ruined city from the Miniature Building Authority - great stuff. |
American Indians and (French?) frontiersman |
Advancing French |
Pirates!! |
more Pirates!! Arrrr! |
Palisaded Village |
China Layout from the Boxer rebellion game |
Nice medieval terrain |